I'm New...

I'm New... What Should I Expect?

Between this list and our FAQs page we hope to answer any questions you might have about Riverside.  If you have a question we don't answer just send us an email and we'll do our best to answer it.

We do everyting in our power to make sure you'll be comfortable at Riverside:
  • We don't make you stand up during church and tell us your life story.
  • We don't preach politics.  Politics ALWAYS divide.  Depending on who you talk to Jesus would have either been a democrat or a republican... but we figure if Jesus wanted to create a political action committee, He would have.  But He didn't.  He launched a church... and so we stay out of the political business.  Not that politics aren't important... that's just not the mission we feel God has asked us to address here in Eagle River.  If you have questions about that read more here.
  • We don't make you wear anything that identifies you as a visitor.
  • We don't use archaic words that haven't been used in 150 years.
  • We don't pass you a collection plate and stare at you until you're so uncomfortable you'll pony up ;0)
  • We do treat you to a free cup of coffee (or tea or hot cocoa or ice water...) and a donut.
  • We do provide your kids with distractions (snacks, activity sheets, comic book Bibles) so they'll have something to keep themselves entertained with until they can escape to their own classes.
  • We do have the most comfortable seating in all of Eagle River (guranteed not to interfere with valuable Sunday morning naps).
  • We do get you in and out in about an hour.
  • We do have an awesome band that will have you tapping your toes and nodding your head in no time.
  • We do have entertaining lessons based on the Bible that give you something practical to work on for the next week (plus Pastor Ed always has a couple of funny video clips to illuminate his points).

But still... new things can be uncomfortable for a lot of us. And that's true in just about every area of life (especially dress shoes which is why we don't require you to wear them on Sundays at Riverside).  So here are some ideas to help you feel as comfortable as possible your first time at Riverside.

Before You Come:
  • Make sure you know where we are and which service you'll be attending.
  • Everything is better with a friend... so rope someone you like into coming with you and it'll take some of the heat off of you. ;0)

While At Riverside:
  • Dress comfortably... at Riverside blue jeans are church clothes.
  • If you have questions stop by the welcome table and look around like you're not sure where to go next.  Someone will give you all the help you need.
  • Pick up a bulletin, a lesson sheet & a Welcome to Riverside brochure. And if you need a Bible we have several versions to choose from... take home a best seller on us!
  • Stop by the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee (or tea or hot cocoa or ice water) and a donut.
  • Grab a seat and check out the trivia game playing on the screen (yes... you can bring your delicious snacks in with you).
  • Smile at the people sitting around you... chances are pretty good it's their first weekend at Riverside too.
  • Fill out a communication card (you'll find them in the back of the seat in front of you or fill one out online).  We promise not to call you (unless you want us to) or stop by your house with a fruit cake.  We just want to be able to say "thanks for stopping by".   It's also a great way to ask questions or request info.
  • During communion (anyone who considers themselves to be followers of Jesus are invited to join us… if you want to know more about communion click here) you’ll be handed a plate with little crackers and another with little cups of juice.  Just take one of each and pass them on.  Hold on to your cup... you can put it in the pocket of the seat in front of you or throw it in the trash on your way out.
  • During the lesson feel free to use your smartphone or tablet to read along with your Bible app, text your friends to invite them to come with you next time, or post on Facebook about how you can’t believe the movie clip that you just saw in church!  And if you’re playing Angry Birds… well, let us know how you did after church.
  • After church you can hurry out and nobody will stop you… or you can hang out and meet our pastors and ask any questions you might have (although we can’t guarantee they’ll have any answers).
  • Plan on coming back real soon.